Academic Project


Faculty of Agricultural Science and Landscape Architecture


Version 1 of 06.12.2024.

Module identifier


Module level


Language of instruction


ECTS credit points and grading


Module frequency

only summerterm


1 semester



Brief description

In the scientific practical project, the student has the opportunity to prepare a practical problem scientifically, to present it in writing and to present it on the basis of the subject-specific and interdisciplinary competences acquired in the previous studies.

Overall workload

The total workload for the module is 486 hours (see also "ECTS credit points and grading").

Teaching and learning methods
Lecturer based learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
35Individual coachingPresence or online-
Lecturer independent learning
Hours of workloadType of teachingMedia implementationConcretization
71Creation of examinations-
Graded examination
  • Placement Report, written and Oral presentation, with written elaboration or
  • Project Report, written and Oral presentation, with written elaboration
Remark on the assessment methods

Preparation of a report (80%) on the scientific practice project with a final presentation (20%).

Exam duration and scope

Practice report (15-25 pages) + associated presentation: 15-20 minutes

Recommended prior knowledge

Contents of modules "Scientific Work", "Planning and Management of Projects", "Project Realization" and "Evaluation and Presentation of Projects" are recommended.


Richtet sich nach dem konkreten Thema des Wissenschaftlichen Praxisprojektes.

Applicability in study programs

  • Pflanzentechnologie in der Agrarwirtschaft
    • Pflanzentechnologie in der Agrarwirtschaft B.Sc.

    Person responsible for the module
    • Ulbrich, Andreas
    Further lecturer(s)

    alle Lehrenden, Studiengang Pflanzentechnologie in der Agrarwirtschaft