Laboratories and Research Facilities

Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences

Laboratories and Research Facilities

In our current four laboratories, researchers find the space and cutting-edge technology they need to pursue research questions and implement ideas. Additional laboratories, such as the Digital Skills Lab, are under construction. In the focus areas of health, society and economy, research often takes place in natural environments.

EMotionS – Movement, Pain and Emotion

Together with regional supporters, in particular SMEs from the IT, therapy, creative and craft sectors, as well as the Osnabrück Theater and supra-regional supporters, including the Federal Association of Self-Employed Physiotherapists, the German Orchestra Association, the German Society for Music Physiology and Musician Medicine, as well as the proven Lower Saxony and international expertise of the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media and the Performing Arts Medicine Association, EMotionS links the areas of movement measurement, pain and emotion analysis. The aim is to create a network for the development of products and services in three areas of application: diagnostic and therapy tools and transfer of results to the group of physiotherapists who advise and treat musicians. Transfer of the findings to other patient groups with movement disorders. Transfer of the findings to other occupational groups with a high proportion of movement, for example craftspeople.

Motion Lab – movement laboratory of the physiotherapists

Since the winter semester 2013, Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences has a fully equipped Motion Lab in the Department of Physiotherapy of the Faculty of Business Management and Social Sciences. Numerous modern measuring instruments make it possible to work on current scientific questions and integrate these practical insights into academic curriculum and research projects. On the one hand, great importance is placed on the theory-practice transfer for the university's students. On the other hand, research projects, some of which are funded by third parties, represent another field of activity for various working groups.

RefLabPerform – Reference Laboratory for the Assessment of Neuromusculoskeletal Diseases in Performing Artists

The aim of ReflabPerform is to assess neuromusculoskeletal disorders using physiotherapeutic diagnostic methods in combination with biomechanical movement analyses. This also includes the automated merging of the manual physiotherapy findings with the technical biomechanical analysis to produce an individual treatment recommendation with decentralized care suggestions for therapy close to home based on evidence-based prevention and rehabilitation strategies. This is done using the example of playing related musculoskeletal disorders (PRMDs) in musicians, who represent a very vulnerable group in the development of these complaints. In order to achieve this goal, we work together with the musicians' consultation at the Institute for Applied Physiotherapy and Osteopathy (INAP/O) so that the findings are carried out by specialised physiotherapists for the performing arts.

Skills and Simulation Lab for prospective midwives

The Skills and Simulation Lab is an innovative teaching and learning centre for simulation-based learning and practical studies for prospective midwives at Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences. It includes three fully equipped demo rooms, two simulation delivery rooms and a simulation apartment, as well as three control rooms and three debriefing rooms, as well as a learning area, two changing rooms and a storage area. The extensive technical and equipment facilities support the approximation of real professional situations in both clinical and non-clinical settings and make it possible to set up various scenarios with different levels of difficulty and practise these in preparation for real-life situations.