Dein Weg zum Bachelor in International Management
Gliederung des Studiums
Die Vorlesungen werden in englischer Sprache durchgeführt. Die Regelstudienzeit betr?gt sechs Semester. Ein Auslandsstudiensemester an einer der weltweit über 100 Kooperationshochschulen ist in das Studium integriert. An einigen ausl?ndischen Kooperationshochschulen besteht zus?tzlich die M?glichkeit, einen weiteren Abschluss ("double degree") zu erwerben.
Studienverlaufsplan International Management
Studienverlaufsplan International Management ab Wintersemester 2024/25
- Production, Logistics and Procurement
- Financial Management
- Principles of Marketing
- Foreign Business Language: Spanish B1, French B1, Chinese A1, Russian A2 or German B1.1 (for international students)
- Statistics
- Information Management
- Specialization Module 1
- Cultural Management
- Sustainable Value Creation
- Management Tools and Academic Writing
- Macroeconomic Theory and Policy
- Specialization Module 2
- Applied Data Research
- Management Concepts
- Applied Business Project and Project Management
- International Economics
- 2 Block Seminars
- Specialization Module 3 (abroad)
- Electives Abroad
- Internship and Academic Project
- Bachelor Thesis
Schwerpunkte und Fremdsprachen
Zur Auswahl stehen zw?lf Schwerpunkte mit jeweils drei Modulen:
- Global Marketing
- Principles of International Marketing
- Digital Marketing and Analytics
- Advanced Topics in Marketing (abroad)
- Finance and Control
- Management Accounting
- Treasury Management
- Advanced Topics in Finance and Control (abroad)
- International Human Resource Management
- International Human Resource Management
- Trends and Challenges in Human Resource Management
- Advanced Topics in Human Resource Management (abroad)
- International Economy
- Enterprises and Globalisation
- Current Issues in the Global Economy
- Advanced Topics in Economics (abroad)
- International Logistics
- Logistics in International Supply Chains
- Procurement and Production Logistics (further modules in logistics to be selected alternatively)
- Advanced Topics in Logistics (abroad)
- International Event Management
- Principles of Event Management
- The International Event Market (further modules in event management to be selected alternatively)
- Advanced Topics in Event Management (abroad)
- Sustainability Management
- Societal Perspectives on Sustainable Development, alternatively: Growth and Development
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Advanced Topics in Sustainability Management (abroad)
- Digital Enterprise
- End-User Computing
- E-Entrepreneurship: The Enterprise of the Future
- Advanced Topics in Digital Business (abroad)
- Business Spanish
- Spanish B2
- Spanish C1.1
- Spanish Language and Culture (abroad)
- Business French
- French B2
- French C1.1
- French Language and Culture (abroad)
- Business Chinese
- Chinese A2.1
- Chinese A2.2
- Chinese Language and Culture (abroad)
- Business Russian
- Russian B1
- Russian B2.1
- Russian Language and Culture (abroad)
- Option for international students: German as a foreign language – Business German
- Business German B1.2 (by Faculty WiSo), alternatively: German B1.2 (by Center for International Students, complemented by tutorial in business language)
- German B2.1 (by Center for International Students, complemented by tutorial in business language)
- German B2.2 (by Center for International Students, complemented by tutorial in business language)
- German Language and Culture (abroad), if students spend a study semester abroad
Optionales Angebot
- Spanisch/Wirtschaftsspanisch: Niveau A1 bis Niveau C1.2
- Franz?sisch/Wirtschaftsfranz?sisch: Niveau A1 bis Niveau C1.2
- Chinesisch: Niveau A1 bis Niveau Niveau A2.2 sowie ?Praxistraining in Wirtschaftskontexten“
- Russisch/Wirtschaftsrussisch: Niveau A1 bis Niveau B2.2
- Deutsch/Wirtschaftsdeutsch (für internationale Studierende): Niveau A1 bis Niveau B2.2